High and Mighty Brass Band [HMBB]: a group of musicians comprising of some of the BEST players in the thriving NYC music scene whom I also enjoy being able to call my friends.
Apotheke: A hip little bar in the back alleys of Chinatown serving immensely exotic cocktails.
Every Tuesday evening, HMBB takes the "stage" at Apotheke and throws down stellar brass funk and soul to a packed house of people dancing. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself.
Below are some of my photos from the evening! Because Apotheke is DARK and not a "real" music venue so to speak, I was able (allowed) to use my flash and really experiment with using it in a live music situation. Also, in between sets - they play 3, from 10pm till 2am {did I mention on a Tuesday?!?} or so - we did an impromptu photo shoot.
This was really cool, because I was able to experiment with using an off camera flash as a slave to the one mounted to my camera. Lessons learned - I bought a remote trigger system and flash stand today... (thank you Strobist).
Regardless, it was a great learning experiment on color corrections and white balance outside, in the dark, with nothing but NYC/Chinatown ambient lights and avoiding a crazy drunk kung fu master. I had wanted to do some long exposure shots using the flash to capture them and have them do some cool dynamic motion or lighting effects but unfortunately (or fortunately?) they had to go back and play another set.
Hope you enjoy! Looking forward to the next shoot with these cats!
HIGH AND MIGHTY BRASS BAND - WEBPAGE - go see HMBB, bring all of your friends, it's a party. If you are throwing a party, hire HMBB. They bring a party.
APOTHEKE - WEBPAGE - Highly recommend the Catcher in the Rye... was a perfect drink.